Friday, 4 October 2013

MFO park

Osjećaj prave urbane džungle, u Cirihu se može iskusiti posjetom dijela grada pod nazivom Oerlikon i MFO parka, čiji su autori članovi arhitektonskog biroa Burkhard+Partner, te pejzažni arhitekta Raderšal. Sam naziv potiče od skraćenice za objekat koji se nekad nalazio na tom mjestu - MaschinenFabrik Oerlikon. Radi se dakle o nešto novijem pristupu korištenju braunfild zemljišta lociranog u užem gradskom tkivu i oblikovanju gradskog parka, gdje se prostor koristi i vertikalno. Šest etaža otvorenog prostora omogućavaju posjetiocima da istraže prostor i uživaju u njemu na nov način. Park se, između ostalog, koristi za povremene projekcije filmova, koncerte i kao pozorište na otvorenom. Čelična konstrukcija gradi transparentni prostor kojem posjetioci pristupaju putem stepeništa. Lođe i konzolni vidikovci sa prostorima za sunčanje i klupama raspoređeni su na različitim nivoima. Još jedna od zanimljivosti jeste i ta što je visoko rastinje u potpunosti zamijenjeno puzavicama i lozama koje se zategnutim čeličnim užadima penju u visine.

The feeling of a real urban jungle in Zurich can be experienced by visiting the part of town under the name Oerlikon and MFO Park, designed by members of the architectural bureau Burkhard + Partner, and landscape architect Raderschall. The name itself comes from the abbreviation for the building that once stood on this spot - Maschinenfabrik Oerlikon. It is more recent approach to using brownfield land  located in the urban city fabric, and the formation of a public park, where the space is used vertically. Six floors of open space allows visitors to explore the area and enjoy it in a new way. Park is, among other things, used for occasional film screenings, concerts as well as outdoor theaters. Steel structure makes transparent space where visitors access via stairs. Cantilevered balconies and viewpoints along with areas for sunbathing and benches are arranged at different levels. Another interesting thing is that high greens are completely replaced with creepers and vines that are climbing the heights along tensioned steel cables.

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