Pogled na Zürich West sa jednog od nadvožnjaka |
Poslovni centar Technopark Zürich |
Cubus Office Building, Gigon Guyer Architekten |
Shopping centar "Im Viadukt", arhitekti EM2N |
"Freitag" prodavnica, Spillmann Echsle arhitekti |
Ulaz u Frau Gerolds garten |
Cirih Zapad je bivša industrijska zona grada koja danas osim poslovnih
zgrada utjelovljuje i mnoge druge sadržaje poput kulture, umjetnosti,
gastronomije, trgovine i arhitekture. Nalazi se na putu između glavne
željezničke stanice i Cirih Altšetetna, u neposrednoj blizini Hardbrik
tramvajske stanice. To je dio grada koji se mijenja i raste velikom brzinom i
na kojem se te promjene očigledno vide, a čiji svjedok su i brojni građevinski
Od mnogobrojnih sadržaja koje može da ponudi izdvaja se „Prime tower“, najivša zgrada u Cirihu,
čiji su autori Gigon Guyer arhitekti. Ovaj neboder je nekad nosio naziv Maag
tower, prema bivšoj fabrici zupčanika na čijem je mjestu nikao. Ovaj objekat je
u osnovi osmougaonik, čija fasada se ističe oštrim i jednostavnim ivicama
staklene zavjese. U neposrednoj blizini se nalazi još jedna poslovna zgrada
Cubus office building.
Rustikalni kontrast uglađenoj staklenoj arhitekturi pruža trgovački
centar Im Viadukt, poznatog ciriškog arhitektonskog studija EM2N. Vijadukt iz
19. vijeka je pretvoren u brojne lokale sa prodavnicama manje poznatih modnih
brendova, restoranima, dječiji vrtić i slično.
samom srcu poslovne zone nalazi se i mala sakrivena oaza. Ovom mjestu privukla
me vertikala Freitag prodavnice sastavljene isključivo od brodskih
kontejnera. 17 zarđalih metalnih kontejnera poređani su i sastavljeni tako da
formiraju objekat jedinstven kao i proizvodi koji se u njemu prodaju. Radi se o
brendu torbi koje se proizvode recikliranjem kamionskih cerada, unutrašnjih
biciklističkih guma i pojaseva za vezanje. Odmah iza ove prodavnice ulazi se u
Frau Gerolds garten, 2500 m2 urbanog vrta. U dvorištu sa klupama i
zelenilom služi se hrana i piće iz restorana i kafea, a u vrtu se gaje začini,
povrće i voće koje se koristi u restoranu. U nekim lokalima smješteni su
ateljei i prodavnice dizajnerskih brendova u kojim se ponekad održavaju
radionice. Ono
po čemu se ovo mjesto izdvaja od drugih jeste jedinstvena atmosfera i
privremeni karakter. Čak i ukoliko gradske vlasti odluče da se na ovom mjestu
pojavi još jedan poslovni objekat, ovaj montažni urbani vrt će moći da nastavi
svoj život na drugoj lokaciji.
Zurich West is a former industrial area of the city, which today except
of commercial buildings embodies many other facilities such as culture, art, cuisine,
shops and architecture. It is located on the way between the main railway
station and Zurich Altstetten, near Hardbruck tram station. It is part of the
city that is changing and growing rapidly and where these changes are clearly
visible. Witness to that are numerous construction cranes.
Among many facilities that can be found here, the one that stands out is
"Prime Tower" the tallest building in Zurich, by authors Gigon Guyer
Architects. This skyscraper was once called Maag tower, according to the former
gear factory that stood in this place. This facility is basically octagon,
whose facade stands out with its sharp edges and a simple glass curtain wall.
Nearby there is another noteworthy building - Cubus office building.
Rustic contrast to this sleek glass architecture can be found in a
shopping mall - Im Viaduct, designed by famous Zurich architectural studio
EM2N. 19th century viaduct was converted into a number of smaller shops of
famous fashion brands, restaurants, kindergarten etc.
In the heart of the business area , there is a little hidden oasis . I
was attracted to this place by the vertical Freitag store made entirely out
of shipping containers. 17 rusty metal containers are sorted and assembled to
form a single structure as unique as the products sold there. This is a brand
of bags that are produced by recycling truck tarps, inner bicycle tires and
seat belts. Right after this store there is Frau Gerolds garden, 2500 m2 of
urban garden. In the courtyard with benches and greenery, food and drinks are
served from restaurants and cafes, and in the garden spices, vegetables and
fruits are grown, which are commonly used in the restaurant . In some shops
there are studios and shops of designer brands in which sometimes different kinds of workshops are
held. What sets this place apart from others is the unique atmosphere of a
temporary character. Even if city officials make decision to put another
office building on this location, this prefabricated urban garden will be able
to continue its life somewhere else.
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