Tuesday, 24 September 2013

Posljednje djelo velikog arhitekte / The last work of the great architect

Prva asocijacija na Švajcarsku arhitekturu, jesu dva velika imena, Le Corbusier, tvorac moderne arhitekture i Peter Zumthor, dobitnik prestižne Pritzkerove nagrade. Obojica proslavljeni arhitekti, od kojih je prvi svoj trag ostavio u glavnom gradu zemlje u kojoj je rodjen.

U Cirihu se nalazi Heidi Weber museum ili Centre Le Corbusier, posljednje djelo ovog arhitekte. Heidi Weber je bila kolekcionarka, koja se 1960-e godine obratila Le Corbusier-u, u želji da dobije javnu zgradu za izložbe.

Smješten pored ciriškog jezera, u neposrednoj blizini kineskog vrta, ovaj muzej predstavlja fuziju umjetnikove estetike u arhitekturi, dizajnu, slikarstvu i vajarstvu. Objekat je dobrim dijelom sačinjen od bruto betona, Le Corbusier-ovog omiljenog građevinskog materijala. Lebdeći krov oslanja se na betonske pilone, koji predstavljaju kostur objekta, u čijoj je unutrašnjosti tijelo sačinjeno od čelika i staklenih panela u boji. Ovi paneli su ređani u određenom ritmu, i ne mogu da se otmem utisku kako u određenoj mjeri podsjećaju na podjele fasade kakve prave drvene grede bondručnog stila gradnje, koji je tradicionalan u ovom podneblju. Osim što sadrži umjetnikove skice, crteže, slike i skulpture, ova zgrada je sama po sebi eksponat.
Iako nije uvršten u većinu turističkih vodiča, ovaj objekat je na listi švajcarskog kulturnog naslijeđa od nacionlanog značaja. Činjenica da je Le Corbusier jedini arhitekta čiji se lik nalazi na novčanici neke zemlje (novčanica od 10 franaka), govori o značaju i uticaju koji  je ovaj umjetnik iza sebe ostavio.  

Two big names come to our mind when we think of Swiss architecture, Le Corbusier, the creator of modern architecture, and Peter Zumthor , winner of the prestigious Pritzker Prize. Both celebrated architects, of which the first one left his traces in the capital city of the country where he was born.

Zurich is the home to Heidi Weber Museum or Centre Le Corbusier, the last work of this architect. Heidi Weber was a collector, which in 1960 approached Le Corbusier, in order to obtain a public building for the exhibition.

Located next to Lake Zurich, close to the Chinese garden, this museum is a fusion of the artist's architectural aesthetic, design, painting and sculpture. The building is largely made of gross concrete, Le Corbusier's favorite building material. The floating roof rests on concrete pylons, which represents the skeleton of the building, whose interior body is made of steel and glass panels in color. These panels are composed in certain rhythm, and I can not help the feeling they are somewhat reminiscent of the divisions on the facade of real wooden beam timbered architectural style, which is traditional in this region. Besides containing the artist's sketches, drawings, paintings and sculptures, this building itself is an exhibit.

Although not included in most tourist guides, this building is on the list of Swiss cultural heritage of national importance. The fact that Le Corbusier is the only architect whose image is on the bill of some country (banknote of 10 francs), speaks about the importance and impact that this artist left behind.

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