Friday, 3 January 2014

City Acupuncture

"Most of the wonderful places of the world were not made by architects but by the people."  Christopher Alexander 

Kraj godine je prilika da saberemo utiske i prisjetimo se dešavanja koja su obilježila tu godinu. Listajući prošlogodišnje albume naišla sam na slike jednog druženja sa početka 2013. i poželjela sam da ih podijelim sa vama. Treća po redu radionica projekta City Acupuncture održavala se u Zagrebu od 24. do 28. februara.

The end of the year is an opportunity to sum ​​up the impressions and recall the events that marked the year that passed by. Going through the albums made in the last year I came across photos of a gathering that took place at the beginning of 2013, and I wanted to share them with you. The third workshop of the City Acupuncture project was held in Zagreb from 24th till 28th February. 

unutrašnjost galerije Lauba prije otvaranja City Acupuncture radionice

unutrašnjost galerija Lauba sa postavkom

City Acupuncture je 24-mjesečni projekat osmišljen u saradnji 5 udruženja iz 4 različite zemlje jugoistočne Evrope sa ciljem poboljšanja kvaliteta gradskog života zahvaljujući međunarodnoj kulturnoj razmjeni.  
Osnovna pretpostavka metode "Akupunktura grada" je da se malim i preciznim intervencijama u tačke preklapanja spomenutih gradskih struktura, može učinkovito utjecati na kvalitetu gradskog života.
Projekat je implementiran u 5 gradova: Skoplje, Beograd, Zagreb, sarajevo i Split, gradovima sa sličnim istorijskim i fizičkim naslijeđem, koji zahtijevaju slične intervencije u svojoj strukturi. Više o samom projektu, njegovom nastanku, metodologiji, partnerima projekta, projektnim timovima i svim radionicama, možete saznati na web stranici:

The City Acupuncture is a 24 month project designed in collaboration of 5 associations from 4 different countries of Southeast Europe with the aim to improve the quality of urban life by international cultural exchange.
The basic assumption of the method "Acupuncture city" is that small and precise interventions in the points of overlapping city structures, can effectively influence the quality of urban life.
Project will be implemented in five cities: Skopje, Belgrade, Sarajevo, Zagreb and Split, the cities with the common historical and physical heritage which require similar interventions in their structure.More about the project itself, its origins, methodology, project partners, project teams and all the workshops can be found on the website:

Radionica u Zagrebu je za temu imala dio grada pod nazivom Trnje, koji je izabran putem otvorenog poziva gradskim kvartovima i dijelovima grada Zagreba da se uključe u projekat Akupunkture grada. Ova četvorodnevna radionica je okupila više od 40 mladih stručnjaka iz regiona, koji su se svojim učešćem  i radom potrudili da istraže i ispitaju sve nedostatke jednog urbanog naselja i na što bolji način odgovore izazovu i doprinesu poboljšanju kvaliteta života u njemu. Ova interdisciplinarna radionica obuhvatila je obilazak terena i razgovor sa stanovnicima naselja, korak koji se najčešće propušta kada se donose odluke o stvaranju i modifikaciji izgrađene strukture. Osim toga, učesnici radionice imali su priliku da prisustvuju predavanjima istaknutih međunarodnih stručnjaka: Horst Hoertner (Senior Director, Ars Electronica Futurelab, Linz) je održao predavanje na temu Stapanja prostora i Mari Jaakonaho (arhitekt i dizajner, Helsinki) koja je održala predavanje na temu Humora u arhitekturi. Značajan doprinos radionici dala su i izlaganja Tomislava Pletenca (profesor Zagrebačkog sveučilišta), na temu Trnje - kontaktne zone i viškovi modernizma, Tomislava Solda na temu Prisvajanja javnih prostora na primjerima iz Francuske, te Davorke Perić ispred Društva arhitekata Zagreba. Poseban doprinos radionici dala su djeca iz lokalnih osnovnih škola koja su crtežima predstavila svoju viziju neophodnih promjena u naselju. 

Zagreb workshop took place in the part of the city called Trnje, which was selected after an open call to all of Zagreb's city districts to get actively involved in the City Acupuncture project. This four-day workshop brought together more than 40 young professionals from the region, who had their share of work and effort to investigate and examine all the disadvantages of this urban environment, and to find the best way to meet the challenges and make contribution to improving the quality of life in it. This interdisciplinary workshop included a site visit and talk with the residents of the village, a step that is most often skipped when making decisions about the creation and modification of existing structures. In addition, the workshop participants had the opportunity to attend lectures of distinguished international experts: Horst Hoertner (Senior Director , Ars Electronica Futurelab , Linz) gave a lecture on the topic of Converging spaces, and Mari Jaakonaho (architect and designer, Helsinki) who gave a lecture On humor of architecture. A significant contribution to the workshop were presentations of Tomislav Pletenac (professor of the University of Zagreb) on the subject Trnje - contact areas and surpluses of modernity, Tomislav Soldo on Apropriation of public spaces - French examples, and Davorka Perić in front of the Zagreb Society of Architects. Special contribution to the workshop was made by children from local primary schools, who made drawings and presented their vision of the necessary changes in the neighborhood. 


radna tmosfera u timu Meso / working atmosphere at team Meso

kreativni proces / brainstorming by team Meso

crtež detalja klupe / detailed drawing of bench

kolaž izvedenog stanja sa potencijalnim korisnicima / collage of future design with potential users

Trnje je specifično zagrebačko naselje, i to iz više razloga. Od bivšeg predgrađa sa ruralnim odlikama, i započetog razvoja šezdesetih godina prošlog vijeka, ono trenutno predstavlja geografski centar grada. Upravo ta infrastrukturna nedovršenost ga i čini posebnim i veoma interesantnim za razmatranje. Grupu, čiji sam član na radionici bila, činila su dva mentora: Daša Spaojević (Kulturni centar grad, Beograd) i Aleksandar Velinovski (Public Room, Skoplje), te učesnici Jovana Miletić (arhitekta), Luka Cindrić (student arhitekture), Larisa Čišić (student arhitekture), Vilma Stopfer (arhitekta), Diana Dimitrijevska (grafički dizajner) i moja malenkost, Lana Barać (arhitekta). Naša grupa fokusirala se na pronalaženje već postojećih čvorišta i mjesta koja se koriste od strane stanovnika naselja i potrebe da ta mjesta sastanka unaprijedimo. Željeli smo da, prije svega u razgovoru sa stanovnicima, otkrijemo njihove potrebe i animiramo ih malenim intervencijama da uoče zanemareni potencijal prostora. Tako se naše razmišljanje pretočilo u dva projekta, od kojih jedan vidite na priloženim grafikama i fotografijama. Projekat pod originalnim imenom PARKing se u procesu implementacije, na inicijativu građana, preimenovao u Kockicu. Uočeni potencijal betonske žardinjere okružene parking prostorom željeli smo da istaknemo gerilskom intervencijom iscrtavanja linija igrališta na parkingu koji je okružuje. U daljem razvoju projekta od originalne misli se odustalo, ali je podrška i rekacija okolnih stanovnika bila više nego odlična. Međutim, ostatak projekta koji je uključivao renoviranje betonskog zida, farbanje poda Kockice i postavljanje drvenih klupa, je u potpunosti završen. O događaju Trnjeraj koji je predstavio implementirane projekte možete vidjeti u narednom videu i na fotografijama:

Trnje is a specific Zagreb neighborhood, for several reasons. From the former suburb with rural characteristics and started development during sixties years of XX century, it is currently the geographic center of the city. This infrastructure incompleteness is what makes it so special and interesting. The group that I was a part of during this workshop was consisted of two mentors: Daša Spasojević (Cultural front, Belgrade) and Aleksandar Velinovski (Public Room, Skopje)and following participants: Jovana Miletić (architect), Luka Cindrić (student of architecture), Larisa Čišić (student of architecture), Vilma Stopfer (architect), Diana Dimitrijevska (graphic designer) and myself, Lana Barać (architect). Our group was focused on finding existing social nodes and places commonly used by the inhabitants of the neighborhood, and on the need to improve these places of the gathering. Firstly we wanted to discover the needs of residents through conversation with them, and to motivate them so that small interventions can detect and reuse potential neglected areas. Our thinking has translated into two projects, one of which you see on the accompanying graphics and photos. The project under the original name PARKing was in the process of implementation and on the citizens' initiative, renamed into Kockica (Dice). We wanted to point out the perceived potential of the concrete planters surrounded by a parking lot, by a guerrilla intervention of painting playground lines on the parking lot that surrounds it. In a further development of the project we stepped out from the original thought, but the support and the reaction of the surrounding population was more than excellent. Nevertheless, the rest of the project, including renovation of the concrete wall, painting the floor of it and putting wooden benches was entirely completed. About the event Trnjeraj who presented all implemented projects of Zagreb workshop, you can see in the following video and photos:

jedan od naslova u dnevnim novinama koji govori o projektu / one of the headlines from daily newspaper about CA

photo by Jovana Miletić

photo by Jovana Miletić

photo by Jovana Miletić

photo by Jovana Miletić

photo by Jovana Miletić

photo by Jovana Miletić

photo by Jovana Miletić

photo by Jovana Miletić

photo by Jovana Miletić
photo by Jovana Miletić

photo by Jovana Miletić

photo by Jovana Miletić

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